#( silas & cameron )
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cagg1969 · 4 months ago
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avatarart · 11 months ago
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Posting with permission from the artist, @exxorcius!
Please check out their Instagram page and go show your love for the original post!
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theolivetree123 · 7 months ago
More twst OCs hehehe
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Mike and Camila are the Sandersons’ adoptive parents and Cameron is their neighbor (and one of Sila’s exes)
More OCs to come 😊
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venusbyline · 11 months ago
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Hey guys, I'm Vênus (she/her). This is my new ff blog and requests are already open!
I really like writing dark, smut and/or angst contents for s/o x female readers.
Almost all the characters and artists I'll write for are tagged. Feel free to send me your writing requests on my ask. (ps¹: practically i'll write for all Jacob Elordi and Ryan Gosling's characters, there just wasn't enough space in the tags).
So don't be shy... I'm a member of the "toxic characters stan" too <3
ps��: some characters besides the other characters of Ryan Gosling and Jacob Elordi that I didn't put in the tags but that I can also write for:
Scream: Ethan Landry, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher.
Euphoria: Rue Bennet, Jules Vaughn, Ethan Lewis, Lexi Howard, Chris McKay, Fezco.
Hunger Games: Lucy Gray Baird, Katniss Everdeen, Sejanus Plinth, Johanna Mason, Treech, Clemensia Dovecote, Tigris Snow, Haymitch Abernathy.
MCU: Tom Holland!Peter Parker & Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff.
Daisy Jones & The Six: Eddie Roundtree, Daisy Jones, Camila Dunne.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Silas, Rebekah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce.
Margot Robbie: Barbie, Harley Quinn.
Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald, Carter Baizen, Blair Waldorf.
YOU: Love Quinn, Joe Goldberg.
Harry Potter: Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black.
Grey's Anatomy: Jackson Avery, Derek Shepherd, Mark Sloan, Alex Karev.
Outer Banks: Rafe Cameron, JJ Maybank.
Anyway, more characters can be added here over time!
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pupsmailbox · 4 months ago
hai, in need of gender neutral name ideas:)
masc or fem leaning names r fine, i also like masc names that give off a neutral divine vibe
names like ciel, blake/blade, remiel
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CIEL︰ airi. anais. anaïs. aria. asher. august. aura. aurora. bijou. blue. cael. caelia. cala. calah. calais. cale. caley. calla. callia. camille. cashel. casimiro. castiel. cayla. cecil. cecile. cecilia. cecily. celeste. celine. ceres. ceyla. chael. chaeli. chelle. chill. chilli. christy. cicily. cielle. cili. ciqala. circe. clay. clea. cloud. clément. coll. coralie. csilla. cualli. cybele. cyrus. czelaw. delyth. dione. donati. dream. eluned. esca. eulalie. fia. finn. florentin. génie. hadas. hero. honora. hyperion. jasper. kahlo. kai. kirion. laslo. levi. liam. libra. louise. lucien. luna. micah. miel. mirage. oliver. orion. phoenix. sarabi. sebastian. seraph. soleil. suri. tau. tawera. violet.
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BLAKE︰ alec. arden. asher. ashton. audrey. austin. ava. avery. bailey. baker. balesego. balius. bayleigh. belicia. bellachay. bilge. black. blaga. blagoy. blaine. blair. blaire. blaise. blake. blas. blayke. blaze. bliss. blues. bluesy. blush. bolesia. bolko. briar. brock. brooke. brooks. bryce. caleb. cameron. carson. carter. charlie. charlotte. chase. chloe. clay. cole. colton. cooper. drake. drew. dylan. elaine. ella. elliot. ellis. emerson. emma. ethan. finley. gavin. grayson. harper. hayden. hazel. hudson. hunter. ivy. jack. jackson. jake. james. landon. lane. layne. liam. logan. luca. luke. mason. miles. noah. oliver. olivia. owen. parker. quinn. reese. riley. river. rowan. ryder. sawyer. wyatt.
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BLADE︰ abraxas. ace. aiden. alain. alexander. aria. asher. aurora. autumn. ax. axel. ballad. balta. balto. bane. belita. benjamin. bentley. blaise. blayze. blaze. bleta. blithe. blodwedd. blythe. bolt. boyd. braden. braeden. brayden. braydon. bullet. bulut. charlotte. chase. clay. clyde. dagger. danger. dash. denim. diesel. draven. floyd. gage. grayson. hazel. isabella. jax. jett. jinx. justice. king. klay. liam. lloyd. onyx. quade. rogue. ryder. said. silas. slade. stone. storm. talon. violet. wade. wayde. zaid. zayd.
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REMIEL︰ adel. adriel. airlia. aksel. alora. amenadiel. anael. anna. arbor. azalia. azrael. balthazar. beleth. bobby. broderick. caster. diana. doris. elizabeth. emilien. eris. fenris. gabriel. harmonia. helio. honor. jophiel. jove. lennox. leyre. lilith. milo. moira. nimbus. orias. rachel. raeden. rael. raiden. rami. ramiel. rapahel. raphael. raylen. raziel. reid. remington. romeo. romy. ronan. rumi. rylan. sabriel. samael. sammael. sariel. sitka. theia. themis. uriel. varda. vivian. zackariah. zadkiel. + more + more
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riordanverserpdatabase · 9 months ago
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Head Counselor: Kat Carter @cabinseventheaterchick
Apollo's Sacred Cow @cow-an0n
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Andrea Rivera @the-golden-childofthesun
Andrew Silas @andrew-champion-of-heartbreak
Archer Penthia @daughterofthesunandtheatregod
Aria Pane @aria-pane
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Asher Reid @a-poetic-apollo-kid
Aster Atlas @y0urlocalhalf-bl0od
Audie @lady-ariadne-of-milan
Augustine Emmerson (Free Therapist) @official-therapist-chb
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Blaze Daylight @Chaotic-child-of-apollo
Brio (or BJ, or Birdie) @birdie-jay-07
Cameron Flux @thanatoss-favorite-demigod
Camilla Dawn Lewis @one-of-apollos
Cass @daughter-of-apollo7
Dawn Lovelace @dawn-lovelace
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Darcy Rivers @mentally-stable-child-of-apollo
Ezra @apollosfavoriteplaylist
Gracie @another-apollo-daughter
Gracelyn Cirillo @rotten-ray-of-sunshine
Hyacinth, (Cinth) @namesake-ofhyacinthus
Irene St. James @iwillsarcasmthemonstersaway
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Julie Beaufort-Stuart @lady-of-midnight-son
Kayla @apollos-favorite-child
Kieran @kieran-nolastname
Kofi @yeah-im-a-daughter-of-apollo
Kore @kore-pythia-hayashi
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Lathi/Lathu @lathuuuuuuui
Lavender (Thistle) @the-gods-abandoned-us
Lexi @the-amazing-life-of-lexi
Marley Elizabeth Dunne @phrophetic-child-of-apollo
Mino @apollos-child-of-sunshine
Mireya @mireya-the-awkward-extrovert
Onyx Ray Solace @apollos-weirdest-child
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Ollie and Miya @apollos-twins
Ophelia @daughterofthesun-chosethemoon
Peisha @peishathedemigod
Penelope @archery-and-musicals
Peyton @peyton-is-cool
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Reese @daughter-ofthe-sunlight
Sage Emerson-Soleil Bosley @apollossage
Serene Zhang @arisdaughter
Snow @snow-white-sunlight
Sunshine Phoebe Sinclair @apollos-tone-deaf--child
Taylor Bowen @glowy-cool-girl
Zahra @that-smart-apollo-kid
Zephyr Lourwood @zephyrdaughterofapollo
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Graphics are provided by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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eludin-realm · 1 year ago
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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Most Datable Datable Character 2: Round 1 Matchups
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Part 1 links below the cut!
Qiu Lin from Our Life: Now and Forever VS Ai Mikaze from Uta no Prince-sama
Pashet from OZMAFIA!! VS Aigis from Persona 3
Flannan Mac Lugh from The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) VS Fenris from Dragon Age 2
Flint from Postknight 2 VS Theo from Titan Arum
Fall-from-Grace from Planescape: Torment VS Xiao from Potion Permit
Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4 VS Kurt from GreedFall
Triss Merigold from The Witcher 3 VS Halsin from Baldur's Gate 3
Rowan from Boyfriend Dungeon VS Yuri Leclerc from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Hook from A Villain's Twisted Heart VS Teo from The Ssum
Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem: Three Houses VS Judy Alvarez from Cyberpunk 2077
Tae Takemi from Persona 5 VS Silas from Fire Emblem Fates
Alistair Theirin from Dragon Age: Origins VS Rachel Amber from Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Grim Reaper from A Date with Death VS QueenBee from Arcade Spirits
The Spirit from Hooked on You VS Jynx from Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers
Vetra Nyx from Mass Effect: Andromeda VS Felix Hugo Fraldarius from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Lucifer from Obey Me VS Wakuu from Coral Island
Leviathan from Obey Me VS Allen from Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning
Curtis from Pokemon Black and White 2 VS Imtura Tal Kaelen from Blades of Light and Shadow
Rhapsody from Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers VS Jakob from Fire Emblem Fates
Haley from Stardew Valley VS Cameron from Trouble Comes Twice
Victor from Mr Love: Queen's Choice VS Mary Brown from Romance Club Arcanum
Linhardt von Hevring from Fire Emblem: Three Houses VS Ryoji Mochizuki from Persona 3
Caleb Zheng from Gilded Shadows VS Beelzebub from Obey Me
Sebille Kaleran from Divinity: Original Sin 2 VS Zoe from Monster Prom
Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age: Inquisition VS Felicity from Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning
707 from Mystic Messenger VS Loki from Romance Club Path of the Valkyrie
Lucifer from Romance Club Heaven's Secret VS Joyce from //TODO: today
Stephanie from Trouble Comes Twice VS Edel from Thorn for the Villain
Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3 VS Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate 3
Gale Dekarios from Baldur's Gate 3 VS Bernadetta von Varley from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Elliot Damiani from Changeling VS Jeremy King from XOXO Droplets
Jax Argo from Later Daters VS Bella Goth from The Sims
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fromoblitushq · 5 months ago
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Congratulations !! Our first round of acceptances has been completed, the accepted characters can be found below !! Please, as you set up your accounts familiarise yourself further with our GUIDELINES, and our CHECKLIST !! We kindly ask you send in your accounts within 24h, or message us if you need more time !! We will provide you with a link to our discord server, and once all the accounts are in, we will post a fun writing task to get things started. It's completely optional, but we feel like it'll really help with developing your character further and give insight to who they are in Oblitus !! We want to thank you all once again for joining us and cannot wait to start writing with you !! So without further ado...
Kang Bitna (Han Sohee) Rabia Aydin (Derya Pinar Ak) Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Hale (Milly Alcock) Ares Valentin De Leon (Manu Rios) Siddharth Varma (Dev Patel) Park Sangjoon (Lee Dongmin) Yasin Celik (Enes Koncak) Prudence 'Prue' McKay (Kiana Madeira) Chavi Herrera (Lizeth Selene) Bianca Mauricio (Camila Queiroz)
Bruna Maria Silva Ribeiro (Julia Dalavia) Adam Bennett (Jacob Elordi) Rafael Chavez (Gabriel Luna) Choi Hyejin (Go Minsi) Lee Ba-Rom (Lee Dong-Wook) Aria Yang (Havana Rose Liu) Kang Daehyun (Rowoon) Ellington ‘Elle’ Taylor (Emma D’Arcy) Amhle Andell (Laura Harrier) Ryousei Tekeshita (Mackenyu) Talia Balfour (Hannah Dodd) Charles Wood (Kiowa Gordon) Gabriela Sanchez (Melissa Barrera) Colton ‘Cole’ Black (Cody Christian) Carrington West (Madelyn Cline) Cameron West (Boyd Hollbrook) Silas Castillo (Manny Jacinto) Rory Osbourne (Olivia Cooke) Zackary Ghostkeeper (Ryan Gosling) Eduardo ‘Eddy’ Alvarez (Danny Ramirez) Hiraya Del Rosario (Jane De Leon) Rebecca Marlowe (Katheryn Winnick) Bo Garrison (Owen Teague) Hanuel ‘Hans’ Ryu (Yoo Teo) Amelia 'Mia' Ortiz (Ana De Armas) Gwen Bouchard (Morgan Holstorm) Natalia 'Talia' Ross (Kathryn Newton) Kasem 'Kas' Eisen (Chai Hansen) Maria Helena Silva (Isis Valverde) Elm Mossbach (Taylor Russel) Charity 'Cherry' Cannon (Mia Goth) Heath 'Shep' Shepard (Mike Faist) Keemeone 'Kina' Canowicakte (Tanaya Beatty) Santiago Ochoa (Carlos Miranda)
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desireeh · 2 months ago
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No Natal, a Desiree me uma masterlist de nomes
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Aaliyah — Addison — Adalynn — Alina — Alice — Amara — Amelia — Amira — Anna — Ariana — Ashley — Athena — Audrey — Aurora — Ava — Avery — Ayla — Abigail — Alice — Allison — Aubrey — Bella — Brielle — Camila — Caroline — Catalina — Cecilia — Charlotte — Chloe — Clara — Cora — Claire — Daisy — Delilah — Eden —Eleanor — Eliana — Elena — Eliza — Eloise — Emily — Emery — Emma — Everleigh — Evelyn — Eva — Emily — Emery — Freya —Gabriella — Georgia — Gianna — Grace — Hailey — Hannah — Hazel — Isla — Iris — Ivy — Isabella — Jade — Jennifer — Josie —Julia — Lainey — Leah — Lily — Lucy — Luna — Lydia — Lyla — Madison — Maeve — Margot — Margaret — Maria — Maya — Melanie — Madelyn — Mila — Millie — Melody — Naomi — Natalie — Olivia — Penelope — Piper — Quinn — Raelynn — Riley — Rose — Ruby — Sienna — Sage — Sarah — Scarlett — Serenity — Sophia — Stella — Summer — Valerie — Violet — Victoria — Vivian — Willow — Zoe — Aaron —Adrian —Adriel —Aiden —Alfred —Alexander —Andrew —Anthony — Asher —August —Austin — Axel — Beau — Benjamin — Cameron —Caleb — Carson —Charles —Christian —Christopher — Cody —Colton —Cooper — Daniel — Damian — David — Dylan —Easton —Elijah —Enzo —Ezra —Gael —Gabriel — Grayson —Henry —Hudson —Ian —Isaac —Jackson — Jacob —Jace —James —Jaxon —Jeremiah —Joe —John —Joseph ——Josiah —Jordan —Joshua —Julian —Kai —Kayden —Leonardo —Levi —Lincoln —Liam —Luke —Landon — Matthew —Mason —Micah —Maverick — Matthew —Michael —Miles —Nathan —Nicolas —Noah —Nolan —Owen —Oliver —Roman —Robert —Rowan — Ryan —Samuel —Santiago —Sebastian - Silas —Theodore —Thomas —Thiago —Walker — Waylon —Weston —William —Wyatt —Xavier - Alex - Angel - Aspen - Avery - Bailey - Blake - Blair - Blue - Brighton - Brooks - Cameron - Casey - Charlie - Chris - Dakota - Dallas - Dylan - Harley - Hayden - Jaden - Jamie - Jaz - Jayden - Jordan - Jules - Kieran - Kim - Knox - Lane - Madison - Marley - Mason - Max - Micah - Morgan - Noah - Nova - Oakley - Orion - Parker - Payton - Phoenix - Quinn - Riley - River - Rowan - Sage - Sam - Sawyer - Scout - Sloane - Spencer - Stevie - Tatum - Taylor - Wilder - Wynn - Zion- Changho - Eunji - Eunjoo - Gwangho - Gyeong - Hana - Han - Haejin - Haeun - Hyeon - Hyojin - Jae - Jieun - Ji - Jiho - Jihye - Jinah - Jiwon - Jiwan - Jinhyun - Jongin - Jun - Kyung - Kyungmin - Kyungsoo - Kyuri - Min - Minho - Minji - Minseok - Nara - Nari - Seok - Seojin - Seon - Seung - Seungyeon - Shin - Sora - Soo - Sungmin - Sumin - Taeyang - Tae - Taeho - Won - Woojin - Yeojeong - Yeji - Yerin - Yeon - Yoon - Yumi - Yun - Yuna- Aiko - Akira - Aoi - Ayumi - Daiki - Emi - Hana - Haru - Haruka - Haruto - Hikari - Hikaru - Hiroshi - Ichika - Ichiro - Issei - Jiro - Jun - Kaito - Kenji - Kazuya - Makoto - Mai - Mei - Nanami - Natsuki - Ren - Riko - Rei - Riku - Ryota - Sakura - Saki - Sayaka - Shin - Shun - Takashi - Taro - Tatsuya - Taiki - Yoshito - Yuji - Yuki - Yui - Yuka - Yuriko
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acronym-chaos · 6 months ago
Nigel (Charlie Countryman) ID Pack
[PT: Nigel (Charlie Countryman) ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Alistair, Avery, Barrett, Baxter, Bianca, Blake, Brody, Cameron, Charlotte, Clark, Clive, Conrad, Dakota, Dahlia, Damien, Dane, Donovan, Dorian, Edwin, Elise, Ellis, Emerson, Everett, Felix, Finley, Fiona, Fraser, Garret, Gideon, Grey, Harper, Heath, Iris, Ivan, Ivy, Jarvis, Julia, Julian, Kendrick, Kendall, Knox, Lance, Lennon, Levi, Lila, Lionel, Maddox, Mara, Marlowe, Maxwell, Mia, Mitchell, Morgan, Nico, Olivia, Peyton, Pierce, Quentin, Rafe, Reagan, Reggie, Reed, Remy, Riley, Roman, Ronan, Roy, Ruby, Sawyer, Sienna, Silas, Spencer, Sutton, Tatum, Tate, Tessa, Trevor, Trig, Vaughn, Wade, Weston, Wynn, Zane
[PT: Pronouns].
Bru / Brui / Bruis [Bruise]; Bul / Bullet / Bullets; Cra / Crash / Crashes; Fi / Fight / Fights; For / Force / Forces; Gun / Guns / Guns; Hit / Hits / Hits; Kick / Kicks / Kicks; Knif / Knife / Knives; Powe / Power / Powers; Rag / Rage / Rages; Rush / Rushs / Rushs; Sae / Slash / Slashs; Sho / Shoot / Shoots; Sni / Snipe / Snipes; Stri / Strike / Strikes; Threat / Threats / Threats; Trig / Trigger / Triggers
[PT: Titles].
An Enforcer of [Pronoun] Will; One of Ruthless Resolve; The Bruiser of the Streets; The One Who Strikes Without Hesitation; The Power Behind the Punch; The Shadow of the Underworld; The Sharp Edge of Danger; The Unstoppable Force; The Wrath Incarnate; The Wielder of Fear; [Pronoun] Who Crushes Opposition; [Pronoun] Who Kills Without Mercy; [Pronoun] Who Walks in Shadows
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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lunastryinc · 1 month ago
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Alright lovebugs! We've made a list, we've checked it twice, and with the help of a roulette wheel to keep things truly random, we have paired up everyone for the species swap curse event. As a reminder, the event will begin on January 20th and will continue until the end of the month, with everyone reverting back to their correct species on February 1st. We will make a post for both the official start and end of the event, so please be sure to keep an eye on the main for those.
Below the cut is a list of all the swapped pairings. Thanks to a very helpful suggestion from our members, we're sharing this list early so people have time to reach out and plot with their curse partner if they so wish. This post will also be linked within our pinned post for easy reference.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Have fun! x
Austin Briggs (demigoddess) ⇆ Tom Wilson (demon)
Billie Eilish (banshee) ⇆ Adam Driver (demigod)
Chappel Roan (human) ⇆ Sana Minatozaki (witch)
Colby Brock (shifter) ⇆ Park Jihyo (human)
Edie Letang (witch-werewolf hybrid) ⇆ Brady Tkachuk (vampire)
Elvis Merzļikins (phoenix) ⇆ Shin Ryujin (sorceror)
Gabriel Landeskog (gifted human; healer) ⇆ Bonnie Fraser (hellhound)
Glen Powell (human) ⇆ Conan Gray (pixie)
Graham Briggs (werewolf) ⇆ Roope Hintz (dragon)
Jack Hughes (human) ⇆ Quinn Hughes (vampire)
Kiernan Shipka (ancient being) ⇆ Sebastian Stan (human)
Lucy Dacus (witch) ⇆ Awsten Knight (cursed human; familiar)
Renee Rapp (demon) ⇆ Sienna Hughes (human)
Rhiannon Tkachuk (witch) ⇆ Rowan Booker (familiar)
Roman Josi (demigod) ⇆ Yu Jimin (Karina) (vampire)
Rosemary Merced (demon) ⇆ Savannah Jones (vampire)
Ross Colton (demon) ⇆ Dove Cameron (human)
Ryan O'Reilly (hellhound) ⇆ Pierre-Luc Dubois (familiar)
Seraphine Letang (witch) ⇆ Philipp Grubauer (human)
Shawn Mendes (human) ⇆ Alec Kokkinos (cursed human)
Silas Bennett (hellhound) ⇆ Evelyn Aster (death witch)
Tristan Jarry (demigod) ⇆ Miki Blaire (fae)
Vinnie Hacker (werewolf) ⇆ Olivia Cynthia Merzļikins (witch-demon hybrid)
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lilghostiequinni · 11 months ago
What & Who I Write For
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Request Here & Guidelines
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these are the fandoms and characters I will write for, please read the note at the end if you do not see the fandom you want.
Neteyam Lo'ak Jake Sully Neytiri Tsu'tey Tonowari Ao'nung OC Characters
Hunger Games Trilogy/TBOSAS
Peeta Mellark Cato Hadley Finnick Odair Haymitch Abernathy Coriolanus Snow Sejanus Plinth
The Vampire Diaries Universe
Stefan Salvatore Damon Salvatore Silas Jeremy Gilbert Kol Mikaelson Niklaus Mikaelson Elijah Mikaelson Finn Mikaelson OC Mikaelsons Kai Parker
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank Rafe Cameron John B Routledge Pope Heyward
Alec Lightwood Jace Wayland/Herondale Johnathan Morgenstern Julian Blackthorn Mark Blackthorn Will Herondale Magnus Bane Simon Lewis
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Steve Rodgers/Captain America Tony Stark/Iron Man Thor Odinson Loki Laufeyson Bruce Banner/Hulk Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver T'Challa/Black Panther Namor Peter Parker/Spiderman(MCU-TH) Peter Parker/Spiderman(TASM-AG) Peter Parker/Spiderman(SP-TM) Miles Morales Miguel O'Hara Johnny Storm/Human Torch
Harry Potter
Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Theodore Nott Matteo Riddle Eos Lestrange Fred Weasley George Weasley Charlie Weasley Bill Weasley James Potter Sirius Black Remus Lupin Severus Snape Lucius Malfoy Regulus Black Evan Rosier Rabastan Lestrange Roldophus Lestrange Thomas Riddle Abraxas Malfoy Orion Black
Real Life
Tom Blyth Austin Butler Tom Holland Roman Reigns Cody Rhodes
Formula One
General Lando Norris Carlos Sainz Oscar Piastri Charles Leclerc Max Verstappen George Russell Logan Sargent Alex Albon Lewis Hamilton
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen Paul Atreides
Mako Mermaids
Zak Blakely
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson Luke Castellan Will Solace Nico di Angelo Jason Grace Leo Valdez
Jasper Cullen Edward Cullen Emmett Cullen Carlisle Cullen Jacob Black Sam Uley Paul Lahote Charlie Swan
DC Comics
Clark Kent/Superman Bruce Wayne/Batman Arthur Curry/Aquaman Barry Allen/Flash
Lance Sweets Jared Booth
Arthur Pendragon Merlin Emrys
Anthony Dinozzo
Grey's Anatomy
Derek Shepherd Mark Sloan
Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
Adrien Agreste
Four/Tobias Eaton Eric
Jim Lake Jr.
If you don't see someone, or a fandom, that isn't up here, you can still request that, just know it'll take longer so I can watch or read it.
I am pretty lineant on who or on a fandom, I will most likely add it, if it's requested.
I am willing to write for female characters just know that I am not the greatest at it.
I am willing to write for Eurphoria, Saltburn, GOT/House of the Dragon characters, I just have yet to watch those that I haven't figured any sort of people yet.
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this is what I am willing and not willing to write, this is very basic because I only just started it will get more detailed as I write more
I will write for these
Fluff Smut Angst Dark Combinations of those
I currently don't have really anything I won't write for because of plans I have for a story that involves SA, but I won't write detailed SA scenes, just mentions.
But please be mindful of your requests.
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theolivetree123 · 4 months ago
Part 1 of things I (think) never posted on this blog
Note that I made all of these drawings months and some even a year prior
First up is two OCs that I will probably never use, but both are canon in my twst universe. Ishaan specifically is one of Silas's exes (along with Cameron if any of yall remember him). Anthony was supposed to be a loverboy who sorta acted as the cupid of RSA and who would bother everyone at NRC with his love talk. Will I bring them back? I have zero clue.
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Next is a lil doodle I did of Kalidia bc I love em sm 😭(they were the first characters I ever shipped in TWST and I STILL SHIP THEM TODAY THESE TWO ARE THE RIDE OR DIES) Also, yes, that pose is Natsuki and Yuri's pose from DDLC how did u know?/j
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Next is ANOTHER TWST oc that I will probably never use. Like the others, Hector is still a part of my universe, I just don't ever talk abt him
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Next is one of my MANY genshin OCs I made a while back. Dunno her name. I guess I never made one for her, but I'm still kinda proud of this edit.
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This is Elias's dorm card, but I didn't want to have to draw the bg, so I scrapped it. Tho, I do have his dorm card on my list still. This one just became too complicated for me to do. I guess yall have a glimpse into how I draw my cards ig lol
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These two are Silas's Fairy Gala cards (non-groovy and groovy) that I never posted for some goddamn reason. LIKE? WHY DID I NOT POST THESE??? THEY'RE FINISHED AND THESE BOTH TOOK ME DAYS SO??????
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This is Elias's Harveston Card that I didn't post bc I didn't like how his outfit turned out. I think there's too much going on color-wise. (Also, Elias looks significantly older in this)
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Lastly, we have my Hazbin Hotel OC. Yes, I was into HH. Even tho I'm not rlly in the fandom anymore (and I don't wanna give Viv my money), I still love this character. I think she turned out awesome, and I'm still proud of how I used both rubberhose and Viv's style together 😊
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siderealxmelody · 3 months ago
Family trees & connections
Verse: Wings of Fire ? (Idk 😐)
Luneris (Acotar Night/Velaris)
Damian* & Ammalie (Velaris Court)
Aphaeleon → Daemon, Rhysand & Rhaenyra, Remus
Hewn (idk a fandomless name)
Xander* & Evangeline
** Friends of Vincent, helped him kill his entire family. Xander and Imogen were lovers once. Damien and Xander were brothers, ran to the fae lands to make their courts to escape retaliation.
Solaris (Dawn/Day Sophos)
Qhohena & Priam
Ryenne → Ulther, Garath, Remis
Garath & Freah
Dusk (idk a fandomless name Dalos?)
Nyktos* & Seraphina
*Nyktos is the only surviving remember of Kolis bloodline, the rest wiped out during the Gods War. He deeply suspects his older brother had his fate played with to pursue a female who didn't want him as clearly as Sotoria had. He fled to Fae after the war, becoming close to Damien and Xander.
Theia & Aidas
Helena → Seraphine
Carrion & Danya
Penelope (w/ Odysseus) → Sarai, Sebastian, Silba
Icarius → Boreas → Kallias & Xanthos
Winter General
Kingfisher & Saeris
Enva* (w/Dacre) → Rhain, Natalia, Athril, Nessyayn, Noelle
*Enva and Penelope knew Sotoria well, they were horrified when the Asteri took her and how she died. Her death propelled them to claim their mates and weather that storm. It made them make sure their daughters knew how to say no and never let a male take advantage of them.
Summer Isles
Aren & Lara
Dacre* (w/Enva) → Rhain, Natalia, Athril, Nessyayn, Noelle
Nyra → Cressida, Varien, Tarquin (eventually)
*Dacre and Enva's parents were briefly at war, and they ran away to mate and ended the war. Both courts were struggling post the war with Valg (Malcolm and Silas) and fought over a wellspring that could have helped their peoples.
Autumn Desserts
Malcom & Annabel
Aderyn & Kahlo
Kaden & Isaiah
Sotoria → Brannon, Actaeon
Zefera → Amarantha, Clythia, Jurian & Anastasiya, Eris, Lucien
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pupsmailbox · 3 months ago
any names like aspen, scout or wolf
pref neutral but i dont mind ^^
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ASPEN︰ abagail. acacia. addison. addy. akifumi. alexandrina. allan. allen. allyson. alyvia. anson. antimony. arbor. archer. arden. aria. arrow. artemis. arwen. ash. asher. ashton. aspyn. astatine. aster. astrid. atlas. atticus. aurelion. aurora. autumn. ava. avalon. averie. avery. azalea. azir. bear. birch. blair. braniff. briar. caleb. camdyn. cameron. carsen. cason. caspian. cedar. chance. charlotte. clover. colt. cyril. cyrus. dalton. daxton. declan. easton. eden. ellah. elm. ember. emerson. emery. everest. everett. everly. fauna. fern. finn. forest. forrest. graham. greyson. hadley. harlow. harper. hazel. hudson. hunter. ivy. jade. jason. jasper. jaxen. juniper. kai. kason. kinsley. lachlan. landen. landon. lela. liam. linden. luca. luna. mercury. nova. oak. oliver. orion. owen. paisley. parker. paxton. peony. phoenix. pine. piper. quinn. rain. raven. river. rowan. sage. samson. sawyer. scarlett. sierra. sycamore. violet. westin. willow. wren. yasmin.
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SCOUT︰ arrow. atticus. bear. birdie. blue. bowie. charlotte. clover. cove. dash. falcon. finch. finley. finn. frankie. harlow. harper. hawk. hazel. henry. holden. huck. huckleberry. indigo. jack. juno. kate. kit. liam. lucy. lynx. olive. oliver. phoenix. piper. poppy. quinn. ranger. rory. rowan. ruby. rue. sadah. sadayo. sade. sadi. sadia. sadiya. saeed. sage. said. saida. saidah. saide. sailor. saint. satha. satu. satya. sawyer. scarlett. scotia. scott. seath. seth. shada. shaddie. shadiya. shadow. shigeto. sid. sijuwade. sita. sky. skye. sloane. sonny. stella. stewie. story. suede. sujata. sunday. syed. tallulah. tripp. vale. violet. willow. winter. wren.
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WOLF(E)︰ ace. aio. amelia. ardent. aria. arrow. ash. asher. atlas. atticus. aurora. autumn. axel. bear. birch. blanchefleur. cedar. cole. cora. destry. ebner. evangeline. experience. february. finn. flower. forest. forrest. fox. gabriel. halian. hawk. haydon. holden. holmes. hunter. ivy. jasper. jori. kiersten. knight. liam. lightning. lily. lumière. luna. lynx. maeve. maine. marguerita. midnight. mulberry. oak. ocean. oliver. orion. phoenix. pine. quill. rain. river. rock. sage. scarlett. seele. silas. sixten. snow. sonder. stone. tristin. urien. vadim. violet. walt. walvia. ward. wells. wendey. wendi. wendie. wheeler. wilder. wiley. will. william. wisdom. wolfgang. wolfie. wolverine. wulviva. wylie. xavier. yevetta. zeo. zephyr.
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